What does the integration do?

This integration can create or update a Trello card on your board whenever your virtual receptionist takes a message for your business.

Activating the Integration

From your AnswerConnect app:

  1. Click Settings
  2. Select Advanced Settings
  3. Select Integrations.
  4. Choose the Trello integration card.
  5. Click Integrate

Connecting your accounts

Enter your Trello username and password to connect your account to AnswerConnect. If you are already signed into Trello in your browser, grant access through the popup authorisation window.

Set up your target. You can choose to either create a new card or update an existing card. Then click Continue.

Choose the Board and List from your Trello account where you want to send your new cards.

Map the message fields to their corresponding Trello attributes and click Continue.

 Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk.

Next, click the Test button to verify if the attributes are mapped correctly. Successful mapping will activate the integration.

Deactivating the integration

To deactivate the integration:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Select Advanced Settings
  3. Click Integrations
  4. Choose the Trello integration card
  5. Click Deactivate